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引用元:九月の恋と出会うまで【高橋一生 川口春奈】

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1: 名無シネマ@上映中 2018/12/11(火) 23:38:16.26


小説家志望の平野  僕はただ、彼女の幸せを願った−



ある日、未来からの声を聞いた志織  私はただ、彼のそばにいたかった−。


映画『九月の恋と出会うまで』公式 Twitter

2019年3月1日(金) 公開

高橋一生 川口春奈
浜野謙太 中村優子 川栄李奈 古舘佑太郎 ミッキー・カーチス

監督:山本 透
脚本:草野翔吾 山田麻以 山本 透
音楽:Evan Call
主題歌:androp「Koi」(image world / ZEN MUSIC)

株式会社双葉社本の詳細 九月の恋と出会うまでISBN978-4-575-51870-2
(deleted an unsolicited ad)

2: 名無シネマ@上映中 2018/12/11(火) 23:39:28.03
平野進 (小説家志望) ……………………… 高橋一生
北村志織 (未来からの声を聞いた) ……… 川口春奈
マンションの住人 ………………………… 浜野謙太
マンションの住人 ………………………… 中村優子
志織の同僚 ………………………………… 川栄李奈
恋路に影響を与える人物 ………………… 古舘佑太郎
重要な鍵を握る人物 ……………………… ミッキー・カーチス


高橋 一生(たかはし いっせい、英語: Issey Takahashi、1980年12月9日 – )は、日本の俳優。舞プロモーション所属。身長175cm。

ロックバンド、never young beachの安部勇磨は弟。





川口 春奈(かわぐち はるな、1995年2月10日 – )は、日本の女優、ファッションモデル。愛称は「ハルル」。長崎県出身。研音所属。





浜野 謙太(はまの けんた、1981年8月5日 – )は、日本のミュージシャン、作曲家、俳優。愛称はハマケン。インストゥルメンタルバンド・SAKEROCK(2015年に解散)のメンバーとして、トロンボーン、スキャットを担当していた。また、自身がリーダーを務めるバンド在日ファンクではボーカル兼リーダーを、Newdayではトロンボーンを担当している。その他、GENTLE FOREST JAZZ BAND、ASA-CHANG&ブルーハッツ、KILLING FLOOR、ハシケンハマケンなどの元メンバーでもあり、中島美嘉のレコーディング参加、EGO-WRAPPIN’や2008年サマーソニック出演の際に結成された小泉今日子SPECIAL BANDのライブサポートなども多い。


13: 名無シネマ@上映中 2019/01/31(木) 23:57:20.39

映画『九月の恋と出会うまで』× androp「Koi」特別ミュージックビデオ【HD】2019年3月1日(金)公開



3: 名無シネマ@上映中 2018/12/11(火) 23:55:29.05

16: 稚羽矢 2019/02/21(木) 19:14:03.65

25: 名無シネマ@上映中 2019/02/28(木) 00:58:32.76








41: 名無シネマ@上映中 2019/03/02(土) 10:57:08.37

38: 名無シネマ@上映中 2019/03/02(土) 02:24:53.44

43: 名無シネマ@上映中 2019/03/02(土) 12:43:39.60

44: 名無シネマ@上映中 2019/03/02(土) 13:02:33.64

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51: 名無シネマ@上映中 2019/03/02(土) 20:39:24.59

52: 名無シネマ@上映中 2019/03/02(土) 20:44:54.79

60: 名無シネマ@上映中 2019/03/03(日) 01:03:57.49

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80: 名無シネマ@上映中 2019/03/03(日) 23:27:03.79




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  3. His bare ass melts to the lid of the toilet bowl. He sweats from the steam and the exertions from his continued pounding of the fierceness of his cock. He wiggles as his ass opens, squeaking on the plastic surface of the thrown lid, as he takes whiffs from the cum soaked pouch of the jock that covers his face. – sex porn mom He is unfazed by the presence of his dad despite his nakedness inside the hot spray of the shower.

  4. I used my teeth to strip off daddy’s black sheer socks. I placed them in my mouth and washed them with my saliva. I swallowed every single sweat and stink from these socks. It takes so well. I rolled them into a ball and stuck them into my jockstrap where my small dick and balls were. – sex porn mom I used my teeth to strip off daddy’s black sheer socks. I placed them in my mouth and washed them with my saliva. I swallowed every single sweat and stink from these socks. It takes so well. I rolled them into a ball and stuck them into my jockstrap where my small dick and balls were.

  5. “I look forward to the day when you are a fully grown man, my son.” His father says. “I am anxious to see the fruit of my loins reach his fully-adorned manhood. Adulthood.” porn sex “You know what you have to do. Doncha. Son.” His dad says.

  6. “You guys jerk off together, these days?” His dad asks, “Back when I was in high school me and several of my friends would jerk-off in our trucks in the parking lot. We were so horny we could barely sit in our seats. You ever do that Garrett?” porno dla dzieci His son bucks on the lid as he turns beet red from his carnal machinations.

  7. “Once you plant that cock of yours in some squirmy hole and empty those warm balls of yours into a moist wet hole. Then you are on your way to becoming a man, and only then will you, come-of-age. But it is only a step onto the winding pathway towards manhood. It is my job to teach you what it means to be a man.” His father stands as he finishes his sentence. Loosening his belt and pulling his shirt out from the tucked confines of his pants. dzieciД™ce porno “I am fully grown now, Father.” He says in a heated rebuttal to his father’s words.

  8. “I bet you got some stares from the other boys in the locker room.” His dad adds. “You couldn’t miss it.” gej porno Daddy was furious as I could hear his deep breath. He sat down on the bench by the door. I was looking down afraid he was going to kick my ass. He lifted my head from my chin using the tip of his loafer where I can smell that smelly sheer socks he has been worn all day. Just when our eyes met, a big stinky manly wad landed on my face. Then I felt a big rough hand rubbing the spit all over my face. I heard the daddy say, “ next time remember what I told you exactly, I don’t want this to happen again, you hear me? I paused and said, “ yeeee…”. Before I finished the sentence, another spit and a big slap on me. “ when I told you something you must say yes. There is no room for you to argue or think, understood?” He said in a deep and firm tone. “ yes sir”. Without missing a beep I said it. “good boy, your night is just about to start.”

  9. Garrett thinks to himself; he did not wear a jock home from practice. He was ‘going commando.” Is it his older brother’s jock? “Oh, well. “He mumbles to himself as he takes another whiff of the musky scented pouch of the jock. He reaches and lets his hand glide over his swelled cock. Tickling the head of his bulbous cock with his rough fingertips which sends electric sparks through him and down to his toes.

  10. “I think all of us were sprouting wood, today, dad.” He says. “Coach even noticed how hard we all were.” “I don’t wanna jack-off, dad.” He says flabbergasted to his dad as he turns off the tap to the hot and chilly water in the shower.

  11. “I managed to lift nearly two hundred today. I believe.” He explains. “But I strained a lot to do it. I was moaning. Groaning.” “But you didn’t though, did you, son?”

  12. “I thought you usually showered after practice. In the locker room.” His dad asks as he walks into the open door of the bathroom. “That is your cock, son.” His father, says. “…but it does not make you a man. It only makes you a boy with a hard cock in his hand.”

  13. “What happened at today’s practice today that was so different from any other day, son?” His dad asks. “Yes! Yes! I know you understand.” His father proudly exclaims.

  14. He looks down. And then smiles at his dad. His bare ass melts to the lid of the toilet bowl. He sweats from the steam and the exertions from his continued pounding of the fierceness of his cock. He wiggles as his ass opens, squeaking on the plastic surface of the thrown lid, as he takes whiffs from the cum soaked pouch of the jock that covers his face.

  15. “I knew ya couldn’t keep your hands off it.” His dad says. “Men can’t do it, we are drawn to our cocks, like a moth to a flame, and usually that burning sensation that a man feels is the cum boiling up in our balls. You know that feelin’ doncha son?” “Dad! Dad!” His son says in a straining voice. “Release me?”

  16. “I don’t wanna jack-off, dad.” He says flabbergasted to his dad as he turns off the tap to the hot and chilly water in the shower. He does not answer but tilts his head down in an almost subservient nature to his father.

  17. His father’s words are what he hears when he erupts. His cum streaming like liquid threads from the pee-hole of his rigid cock. “I think all of us were sprouting wood, today, dad.” He says. “Coach even noticed how hard we all were.”

  18. “I thought you usually showered after practice. In the locker room.” His dad asks as he walks into the open door of the bathroom. “That you, son?” A voice chimes in from the hallway.

  19. The sound of the shower echoes throughout the empty house. The bathroom door is open. He knows he has privacy. He is alone. No older brother. No father. Or mother. It is just him. “What are ya now, by the way?”

  20. His father unbuttons his shirt and throws it to the bathroom floor. Where his son is like the mythical David, cast in stone with blonde locks and cherubic face. The father is dark and with a day’s growth of stubble on his face. “But you didn’t though, did you, son?”

  21. Daddy was furious as I could hear his deep breath. He sat down on the bench by the door. I was looking down afraid he was going to kick my ass. He lifted my head from my chin using the tip of his loafer where I can smell that smelly sheer socks he has been worn all day. Just when our eyes met, a big stinky manly wad landed on my face. Then I felt a big rough hand rubbing the spit all over my face. I heard the daddy say, “ next time remember what I told you exactly, I don’t want this to happen again, you hear me? I paused and said, “ yeeee…”. Before I finished the sentence, another spit and a big slap on me. “ when I told you something you must say yes. There is no room for you to argue or think, understood?” He said in a deep and firm tone. “ yes sir”. Without missing a beep I said it. “good boy, your night is just about to start.” Garrett picks up the pee-stained and cum-leaked jock from the tile floor.

  22. “Yeah.” He answers his dad. “…and I was ‘going commando’ too.” “That you are, son. You are busting at the seams with your youth and muscles. Rippled from those vigorous physical workouts and stroking sessions. I bet.” His dad says. “You are gonna hafta to take care of that or you are gonna be miserable. You know that son, doncha. You know, I am right.”

  23. Garrett nods his head as he wraps the jock over his head, and takes a hearty breathe of the pouch placed over his nose. Exactly a week after, daddy texted me with a different tone saying, “ get your ass ready tonight cause daddy is coming to your place tonight.” He was usually really sweet and nice, I was shot when I got the message. But automatically I said, “ yes daddy!” I guess I am a slutty whore for him right at the beginning as I knew my place where is always going to be inferior.

  24. “You lettin’ the beard grow on your face, I see, son?” His father asks him, as his head bumps up under the chin of his towering son. He runs the towel through his curl-filled hair, and down over his chest, where the early signs of his manhood sprout like an uneven crop of hairs across his chest that run down to his furry-pillowed crotch. Where the throbbing from his hard-on springs back as the damp towel whips his erection back and forth with each swipe of the now dampened towel.

  25. “You lettin’ the beard grow on your face, I see, son?” His father asks him, as his head bumps up under the chin of his towering son. Garrett thinks to himself; he did not wear a jock home from practice. He was ‘going commando.” Is it his older brother’s jock? “Oh, well. “He mumbles to himself as he takes another whiff of the musky scented pouch of the jock.

  26. His dad’s cock does not curve like that of his son, it angles like a fishing rod looking for fish under rushing river waters, from the deep furry patch between the father’s legs. “Dad! Dad!” His son says in a straining voice. “Release me?”

  27. “You have not fucked, have you, my son? Have you?” His father asks, as he readjusts the cock covered and swelling in his khaki pants. “I thought as much.” “My hard-on. Somewhat. But I have them all the time. You know that. You’ve made enough comments about me sportin’ boners in the morning when you see them at breakfast.”

  28. “Back in the day, back before we turned into a modern society, a man would grab another man’s balls and swear an oath on them in his hand and state his words to be true. To be a friend” His father says. “Do you know what I mean, son?” He reaches and lets his hand glide over his swelled cock. Tickling the head of his bulbous cock with his rough fingertips which sends electric sparks through him and down to his toes.

  29. “Let me get in there, Garrett.” His father says, as his son steps aside so he can get into the shower enclosure. “Nope.” He says. Flatly. As he runs his hand over his still steely-hard length of his curved cock.

  30. “Yes, sir.” He says as he straightens up, standing erect as his member pulses to life between his legs, and in his father’s right hand, which are firmly locked on his balls. “Yes, sir, I do.” “What are you now, son?”

  31. “Back in the day, back before we turned into a modern society, a man would grab another man’s balls and swear an oath on them in his hand and state his words to be true. To be a friend” His father says. “Do you know what I mean, son?” “I think all of us were sprouting wood, today, dad.” He says. “Coach even noticed how hard we all were.”

  32. “I thought you usually showered after practice. In the locker room.” His dad asks as he walks into the open door of the bathroom. “Dad! Dad!” His son says in a straining voice. “Release me?”

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