
吉岡里帆は若き日のオードリー・ヘップバーン!? 日豪合作『STAR SAND』

引用元:【映画】吉岡里帆は若き日のオードリー・ヘップバーン!? 日豪合作『STAR SAND』

1: 湛然 ★@\(^o^)/ 2017/05/09(火)
オリコン 5/9(火) 5:00

 日本とオーストラリアの合作映画『STAR SAND ─星砂物語─』の予告編が9日、解禁され、あわせて同作で72歳ながら映画監督デビューを果たしたロジャー・パルバース監督、現代パートで主人公を演じた吉岡里帆のコメントがORICON NEWSに到着した。

 同作は、大島渚監督の『戦場のメリークリスマス』で助監督を務めたパルバース氏が、太平洋戦争下の沖縄を舞台に書いた小説を、自身で脚本化し、初監督作品として映画化。『秘密 THE TOP SECRET』(16年)の織田梨沙が主演を務め、満島真之介、三浦貴大、吉岡、寺島しのぶ、渡辺真起子、石橋蓮司、緑魔子らが共演。主題歌を坂本龍一氏が担当する。



 吉岡が演じたのは、最初は太平洋戦争に興味を持たない、現代の若者の代表のような役どころ。パルバース監督は「70年程前の1945 年頃の戦争物語を語る日記を読み、ドンドンその真相を追求していく。それがいつの間にか、自分の物語となってくる。吉岡里帆は、見事にその2つの物語を身体と心の中に吸収し、私の想像を越えたような人物像も作り上げた」と絶賛。「彼女のボディーランゲージを見て、ニュアンスに満ちたせりふの語り方を聞き、いきなり若き日のオードリー・ヘップバーンのことを思い出した。私は、里帆さんがこれからきっと、日本と外国の銀幕の世界を一世風靡する、と確信している」と手放しで才能を称えている。



『STAR SAND -星砂物語-』に出演する吉岡里帆 (C)2017 The STAR SAND Team
no title

『STAR SAND -星砂物語-』主演の織田梨沙(C)2017 The STAR SAND Team
no title

STAR SAND -星砂物語-』に出演する(左から)ブランドン・マクレランド、満島真之介(C)2017 The STAR SAND Team
no title


生年月日 1993年1月15日
身長 158 cm[1]
血液型 B型
職業 女優グラビアタレント
ジャンル 映画テレビドラマCM
活動期間 2013年


吉岡 里帆(よしおか りほ、1993年1月15日 – )は、日本女優グラビアタレント


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2: 湛然 ★@\(^o^)/ 2017/05/09(火)




6: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2017/05/09(火)

7: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2017/05/09(火)

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12: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2017/05/09(火)

15: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2017/05/09(火)

16: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2017/05/09(火)

18: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2017/05/09(火)

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30: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2017/05/09(火)

39: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2017/05/09(火)


53: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2017/05/09(火)

54: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2017/05/09(火)

58: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2017/05/09(火)

60: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 2017/05/09(火)
<デジタル週プレ写真集> 吉岡里帆「カピバラさん。」 <デジタル週プレ写真集> 吉岡里帆「カピバラさん。」

売り上げランキング : 7051

Amazonで詳しく見る by AZlink


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    Es ist schwierig, einen genauen Durchschnittsverdienst festzulegen, da dieser von verschiedenen Faktoren wie der Erfahrung der Bedienung, dem spezifischen Zelt, in dem sie arbeitet, und dem individuellen Trinkgeldverhalten der Gaste abhangt. Allerdings wird berichtet, dass Bedienungen auf dem Oktoberfest in guten Jahren mehrere tausend Euro verdienen konnen, vor allem durch Trinkgelder.

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  14. A mother of 17 children has given outsiders a glimpse into her
    hectic family life inside of their mega mansion – which features its own daycare, home theater, and multiple kitchens.

    Nancy Young, who lives in the U.S., also has seven grandchildren – with 12 of her kids still living at home.

    The 38-year-old regularly vlogs her hectic family life
    as she deals with both her adult and teen children, all the way down to her
    newborn son, who was born in October.

    In a clip posted earlier in January, the busy mom took people around her home
    that she shared with her husband – who was not named and stayed behind the camera – and their kids who
    still lived at home.

    Supermom Nancy Young has given viewers a peek
    inside her busy life as a mother of 17. She is pictured here
    in the entrance of her home

    Nancy Young, who lives in the US, also has seven grandchildren – with 12 of her kids
    still living at home. She is pictured here in the kitchen

    ‘We have made a ton of changes to our home since our last home
    tour including some of the older kids getting married and moving out and new babies being born,’ she explained in the description of the home tour video, which she posted to her YouTube channel. 

    The busy mom, who previously said she and her husband saved for ’21 years’ to
    buy their dream home, opened up the front door to their
    entry way, which featured a large spiral staircase and a home office-slash-kids
    music room to the right.

    Nancy then moves into the huge kitchen, pointing out their
    large round dining table, showing 10 seats and two high chairs in the corner.

    ‘I love having a round table,’ she gushed. ‘When everyone is sitting up to the table for meal time it just feels like you’re closer to everyone.’

    Nancy added it was a joint effort to keep their house
    clean, mentioning her older kids helped clean and clarified the family didn’t have a maid.

    ‘I would love to have a maid, but our maid is me and my kids,’ she joked.

    Nancy added: ‘So [the table and lazy Susan] is
    clean because the kids cleaned it,  when I clean it it might look a little

    While she doesn’t have a maid, the Young family have
    indulged in some extra appliance help, pointing out the two
    dishwashers in the kitchen and installing some extra
    shelves that pull out to save counter space.

    Nancy dispelled rumors of having a maid as she showed off her kitchen, joking that
    the maid was her and her kids

    Nancy explained that they had cubbies for their kids to keep track of their
    belongings. She is pictured here with the cubbies in the garage

    The garage is where the family keeps their
    huge vehicle, and where they store food as well

    A feature of their living room is the massive couch, which the supermom said could fit their entire household

    ‘One thing that I do still want to do to my kitchen is I want to repaint my cabinets but that is going to take a lot of work and will
    be pretty expensive,’ she noted.

    The kitchen leads into the laundry room, featuring large washing units and a changing station on the wall.

    ‘This just makes it convenient for changing kids we have basically a
    changing station on every level of the house, so it
    makes it convenient and really easy to change the kids when you need,
    ‘ she explained.

    Next, she showed the bathroom on the bottom floor, noting the lights were turned on by
    motion, because kids were running in and out constantly.

    In the garage Nancy showed off some extra storage – and their massive mini bus that she transported their family in – explaining they had storage cubbies, much like a school.

    ‘[We have] cubbies for their coats and backpacks and things, so right when they get out of
    the car they can put their stuff here,’ she explained, showing off the open storage.

    They also use the garage for extra food storage, with
    more fridges and freezers for the large family.

    Off the other side of the kitchen is the large living
    room, featuring a large U-shaped couch – which can fit the whole household – and TV on the wall.

    Nancy has set up more cubbies either side of the TV for her giant brood to help with keeping the
    house tidy. 

    ‘I absolutely love having these when the kids do their jobs.

    They find something that belongs to one of the kids,
    [they] put their stuff in their bin and then at the end of
    the day they empty their own bin,’ Nancy explained.

    On the basement level of the house they have a daycare room, which
    has something for all the younger aged kids

    The kitchen leads into the first of two laundry rooms in the house, featuring large washing units and a changing station on the wall

    Two of the couple’s young daughters have a bedroom downstairs on the basement level in a room with a bunkbed

    She continued: ‘That way the kids aren’t running around to all the bedrooms trying to put stuff away messing up other people’s rooms and taking
    a lot longer on their job so it just keeps everything in a central place and
    makes it faster to clean.’

    In the basement of the mansion, the Youngs have something most
    houses don’t – a daycare room; featuring a dramatic play area, indoor jungle gym and a dress-up area.

    ‘The kids love it,’ she enthused, also pointing out a downstairs kitchen and

    ‘Another thing the kids most likely love is the theatre
    room. This was actually in the house when we moved in…
    but it’s been nice to have.

    ‘I wouldn’t have actually put one in if it wasn’t already here.’

    There are also two bedrooms on the basement level: one with a bunk bed, which two of her young daughters share,
    and another with a double bed that others share.

    ‘I know a lot of people judge me on that but that’s okay,
    that’s what they like,’ she said, defending the choice.

    Walking upstairs to the bedrooms, Nancy navigates through a play room – complete with arcade games.

    ‘Just off to the side when you first walk up to the upstairs then we have our nursery,’
    the mom pointed out.

    The nursery is connected to the master bedroom by a huge bathroom – with a spa bathtub
    –  which Nancy and her husband share.

    Despite raising a huge brood, the couple still manages to work out – showing
    off their fitness space outside the bedroom.

    The family also has an upstairs laundry room, and another bathroom for their eight sons.

    ‘We have two of our boys in the nursery and we have three more boys in here,’ Nancy
    said standing in another bedroom. ‘We have two double bunk beds, so there’s two boys in one bed and one boy in the
    other bed.’

    However the couple’s 16-year-old son doesn’t share a room with anyone after
    their eldest son got married.

    ‘Our oldest son is married and moved out, so he’s no longer here,’ she explained.

    Their huge house came complete with a theater. Although they didn’t add it themselves, Nancy said it had been ‘nice to have’

    The upstairs nursey is connected to the master bedroom
    (pictured) by a large bathroom

    Nancy gave birth to her 17th child last year (pictured) 

    Hundreds of people commented on the home tour, many in awe over how organized Nancy and her family is.

    ‘Love that your house is so well organized. Never apologize for a little mess when you have kids.
    Your kids look so happy and that is so important,’ one user wrote.

    ‘I love how you have designated areas for different
    things throughout your home, yet things don’t look crowded.
    Great job managing this! Lovely to see how you make your home work out
    for a large family,’ another added.

    ‘I absolutely love your home! The only thing I would do differently is the youngest
    children would have to be on the same floor as
    me. You are truly blessed! Beautiful home!’ someone else’s feedback read.

    In an earlier video, Nancy  spoke about the birth of her youngest son – and her fear he’d be born on Halloween.

    ‘I was really hoping not to have him that day,’ she admitted. ‘I felt
    like if I have him on Halloween he will look like
    a little alien or something.’

    However, her youngest decided to make an early appearance,
    arriving two days early – on one of her sons’ 16th birthday.

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