引用元:『ONE PIECE FILM RED』興収180億円&観客動員1300万人を突破
映画『ONE PIECE FILM RED』が、公開から93日間で興行収入180億3585万350円、観客動員数1301万3120人を記録した。これを記念して原作・尾田栄一郎氏から、180億円突破記念ビジュアルが到着。今回到着したビジュアルには号泣するゴードンの姿が大きく描かれており、そんなゴードンの姿を見つめるウタも描かれている。
11月5日からは、FILM RED 出張版 SBS“副音声上映”が実施され、原作者で総合プロデューサーの尾田氏と監督の谷口悟朗がマル秘エピソードを披露。SNS上では、「1回目とは全く別の面白さ」、「副音声ヤバすぎた…、ワンピ世界の根幹に触れることまで言ってるよね?」、「副音声聞いて、FILM REDが自分の中できちんと完成した気がする」などの声が上がるなどファンの心をしっかりつかみ好評を博している。
そして、海外でも人気爆発中。3日にはオーストラリア、ブラジル、スペイン、サウジアラビアなどの中東諸国など38ヶ国、そして4日にはアメリカ合衆国、カナダ、イギリスを含む8ヶ国で公開。「ONE PIECE」シリーズとしては、最大規模の90以上の国と地域での公開となっている。
北米では、3日、4日、5日、3日間で興行収入が751万5251ドルを記録。前作、劇場版『ONE PIECE STAMPEDE』の最終興行収入が130万8571ドルと比較すると、既に574%に到達し、すさまじい勢いで記録を打ち立てている。ヨーロッパ、中東各国でも初日No.1スタートや日本アニメーションNo.1記録の達成などさまざまな記録を樹立している。
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特典つければヒットするほど甘くないぞ それならどの作品もヒットしてるわ
This was a thoroughly insightful enjoy reading. Thank you for sharing your expertise!
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Your work is truly inspirational. I appreciate the depth you bring to your topics.
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You have a unique perspective that I find incredibly valuable. Thank you for sharing.
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I’m so glad I stumbled upon this article. It was exactly what I needed to enjoy reading!
You’ve articulated your points with such finesse. Truly a pleasure to enjoy reading.
Your piece was both informative and thought-provoking. Thanks for the great work!
I always learn something new from your posts. Thank you for the education!
This post is packed with useful insights. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
What a refreshing take on this subject. I completely agree with your points!
This piece was beautifully written and incredibly informative. Thank you for sharing!
I appreciate the clarity and thoughtfulness you bring to this topic.
This post is a testament to your expertise and hard work. Thank you!
Thank you for consistently producing such high-quality content.
You’ve articulated your points with such finesse. Truly a pleasure to enjoy reading.
You have a unique perspective that I find incredibly valuable. Thank you for sharing.
What a refreshing take on this subject. I completely agree with your points!
You’ve presented a complex topic in a clear and engaging way. Bravo!
I always learn something new from your posts. Thank you for the education!
I’m genuinely impressed by the depth of your analysis. Great work!
Your dedication to quality content is evident. Keep up the great work!
Your work is truly inspirational. I appreciate the depth you bring to your topics.
I admire the way you tackled this complex issue. Very enlightening!
Your blog is a constant source of inspiration and knowledge. Thank you!
What a refreshing take on this subject. I completely agree with your points!
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Compelling read with well-presented arguments. I almost felt persuaded. Almost.
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This article is a perfect blend of informative and entertaining. Well done!
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The thoughtful analysis has really made me think. Thanks for the great read!
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The grace and authority you handle topics with are as mesmerizing as a moonlit dance. I’m thoroughly impressed.
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The piece was both informative and thought-provoking, like a deep conversation that lingers into the night.